Suprime Swarm
The Suprime Swarm is a unique way of building and engaging a dedicated community of investors. As mentioned earlier, Suprime believes that our community of investors can provide value in more ways than simply allocating capital.
Fundamentally, the Suprime Swarm is Suprime’s own community of investors. The Swarm is incentivized to support Suprime through its loyalty program. By organizing the community inside the Swarm, Suprime can directly mobilize the community to perform specific tasks that provide value to Suprime. These tasks range from creating social media posts, likes, retweets and comments, to welcoming new community members on the telegram, to referring new projects launching on Suprime Xcel or service providers for Suprime Labs.
The Swarm is also incentivized to provide value to projects launching on Suprime in the following ways:
Provide feedback on the project proposal
Provide pre-seed capital to improve certain aspects of the project in anticipation of the public sale
Establish an initial community of dedicated investors
Amplify your fundraising efforts
Provide capital during the public raise
Massively boost a project's growth
Suprime Swarm SBT (NFT)
Technically, any user staking a minimum of 1,000 $SUPRIME tokens will join the Swarm as it automatically receives a Swarm SBT for doing so. This SBT is your ticket to the Suprime Swarm and the Suprime ecosystem. Every SBT holds unique information about the value the holder has generated for the Suprime Ecosystem. The value of the SBT is calculated according to the following metrics:
Amount of $SUPRIME staked
Lockup duration
XP Generated in Swarm Loyalty Program
Reputation gained from voting (to be launched later)
This all ends up in one final Swarm Score, which decides your APY, Tier and voting power.
Staking $SUPRIME
As mentioned, users can stake their $SUPRIME tokens to receive their SBT. The longer users stake their $SUPRIME, the higher their Lockup duration multiplier is, the higher their resulting Score. The minimum duration users can stake their $SUPRIME is 3 months. See the following table:
3 months -> 1x multiplier 6 months -> 2x multiplier 12 months -> 3x multiplier 24 months -> 4x multiplier
Swarm Loyalty Program
Suprime’s unique loyalty program is created to reward community members for their valuable contributions to the ecosystem. The Swarm is organised in seasons, each lasting six months. The first season will run from October 2024 until April 2025. Users earn XP by performing specific actions, which will boost the score of their SBT and APY and allow them to move into higher tiers with exclusive perks.
More info on the Swarm loyalty program can be found here:
Suprime Tiers
When users join the Swarm, they can attain higher tiers with additional perks. As mentioned earlier, Suprime sees value not only in the people with the deepest pockets, but also in the value each individual community member generates for the ecosystem. For this reason, the Tiers at Suprime are not solely based on the highest amount staked, but also on your contributions in the Swarm.
The total Score collected will put you in one of 4 Tiers:
Tier 0 - Sandfly - any new user No access to private seed investments Access to raises after 50% of sale time has passed
Tier 1 - Mosquito - Top 1000-5000 No access to private seed investments 34% of allocations for normal seed in the first week of raise 2,5% bonus on each sale
Tier 2 - Wasp - Top 100-1000 Access to 50% of private seed investment allocations 33% of allocations for normal raise in the first week 5% bonus on each sale
Tier 3 - Killer Bee Tier - Top 100 Access to 50% of private seed investment allocations 33% of allocations for normal raise in the first week 7,5% bonus on each sale
Users can see their score on the live leaderboard in the app, as well as the Tier they’re in. The SBT token will also change visually depending on which Tier the holder is in.
Suprime Rewards
There’s a total of 10M $SUPRIME to be distributed to SBT holders during the first season. The amount of yield your SBT generates is directly tied to your total Swarm Score. The 10M $SUPRIME will be linearly released to the Swarm, meaning that the rewards per person are highest when the Swarm is still small. So, the sooner you start, the more you earn.
In order to limit inflation and keep the value that’s generated inside the ecosystem, users can only spend the yield on projects launching on Suprime.
Last updated